The average house price on EXTWISTLE SQUARE is £213,541
The most expensive house in the street is 7 EXTWISTLE SQUARE with an estimated value of £240,958
The cheapest house in the street is 3 EXTWISTLE SQUARE with an estimated value of £163,818
The house which was most recently sold was 5 EXTWISTLE SQUARE, this sold on 20 Oct 2017 for £170,000
The postcode for EXTWISTLE SQUARE is BB10 3HZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Semi-Detached £223,322 £127,000 19 May 2006
3 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Semi-Detached £163,818 £36,000 16 Feb 1999
4 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Semi-Detached , 84 m2 £218,510 £119,000 31 Jul 2009
4 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Semi-Detached , 84 m2 £218,510 £119,000 31 Jul 2009
5 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Terraced , 94 m2 £216,128 £170,000 20 Oct 2017
7 EXTWISTLE SQUARE Semi-Detached , 140 m2 £240,958 £170,000 30 Oct 2015